Kaylen Frances is a young actor and film maker. His short mental Health Awareness Film features a young man who is struggling with depression.
According to leading mental health charity MIND, evidence shows that black men are far more likely than others to be diagnosed with severe mental health problems and are also far more likely to a be sectioned under the Mental Health Act. However, up until 11 years old, Black boys don't have poorer mental health than others of their age.
Why is this?
The charity states that there are multiple reasons for this, including stigma, cultural barriers, and systemic discrimination, all of which are more directly experienced by black boys and young black men as they get older.
What can be done?
With the help of sponsorship we can get this short film into the community to raise awareness about Mental Health, especially amongst men, we want it to encourage discussion and compel individuals that need help, as well as family members and carers to seek advice and information.
Featuring Kaylen Francis l Produced by Keeper of The Keys l Filmed by Judah Meade
LAUNCHING 2025. We have created a platform giving young people and a 'creative' voice that empowers them to be open and authentic about issues that impact their lives. CONTACT US For further information and to be invited to the launch.
Creativity is embedded in everything we do. Our team members are creatives in their own right and our Poetry Workshops for well-being are facilitated by Jessica Meade, The Poetry Health Coach,
Jessica works with well known artists, published poets and other seasoned and award winning creatives in dynamic workshops to help: relieve stress, increase self confidence and the many other therapeutic benefits that poetry brings.
For more information and to sign up for her latest workshop visit:
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